Hello, my name is

Marvelous Rose

I'm a Creative Frontend Web Developer

Get To Know Me

Hi there!
My name is Marvelous Akorede, and I am a front-end developer with one year's experience. I'm passionate about using technology to bring creative ideas to life, and I'm constantly seeking out creative and exciting projects to work on. In addition to my work, I also believe in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. When I'm not coding, you can find me listening to music, watching a movie, spending time with my family, hanging out with friends, or surfing the internet. I believe that these activities help me stay inspired and energized, which ultimately benefits my work as well. Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!🥰



Website Design

“If there's one thing you learn by working on a lot of different Websites is functionality and structure. appearance of a website must be appealing and consistent with the brand "

SEO Optimization

“SEO is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. How would you feel if your business ranked first on Google?

Chatbot making

"Chatbots can be used to handle frequently asked questions, provide information about products and services, and resolve customer issues."

Here Are My projects 📈

Education website : Education website built with html, css, javascript, Angular. this was my first web development project at AptechView this project

Company website: A company's website designed by me. View here

Sign up form - A sign-up form validated with javascript abd database added using supabase. View here

Personal portfolio - A website developed for myself View my website here

Certification & Achievements

Aptech web development certificate
SEO masterclass for creators
Aptlearn Web Development
GitHub pull-shark
GitHub quickdraw
Github Yolo

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